BULLYACHE (Courtney Deyn and Jacob Samuel) choreograph, direct, score and conceptualise spectacular original works – layering, contrasting and moving between dance theatre, performance and live music; to construct unforgettable sequences of images in movement. Think Pina Bausch cosplaying as Dua Lipa in their parents' make up. “live music videos crossed with avant-garde dance theatre – and utterly steeped in young queer British culture” (Guardian).

Our work is a melodramatic, deconstructed pageant of exhaustion. Faggotry, pop music, slutty Nijinsky and commercial dancing. It’s how we relate to the world, two working-class artists making live music videos about their life. As Kim Cattral said once “We just have a rhythm you know... he sort of feels me out and I feel him out and uh, we go for it”.